Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Dark Knight Rises - A finale that was a bit short

I enjoyed the first movie - Batman Begins but i was blown away with the second movie- The Dark Knight especially the performance of Heath Ledger's Joker character. The second movie has a complex script that is unique and masterful in every department. Thus, i guess everyone was kinda excited and thrill to hear that director, Christoper Nolan was going for his third movie and his last in Batman trilogy with The Dark Knight Rises. In the beginning, i find it kinda strange that the movie title was a little less imaginative (in my expectation). By adding the working "Rises", where it could have been some special title like "The Dark Prince", or "Knightfall" or something like that. But i was thinking, perhaps the story will be much better especially since the movie runs to approximately 2.5 hours long. In short, the movie started 7 years after the 2nd movie ended. Bruce Wayne ala Batman was demotivated and keep hid from the public for 7 years. We were also introduce to Batman arch-nemesis, Bane who is planning a massive attack on both Bruce Wayne and Gotham City. Thus, after Batman was defeated once by Bane, he was in a broken spirit until he finds inside of him, the courage and the strength to rise back up again - thus the movie title" The Dark Knight Rises". There are many wrongs in this movie to began with such as why does Bruce Wayne need to hid himself and for 7 years? It wasn't really explained and the 1st showdown between Bane and Batman was extremely weak. It somehow didn't showcase Batman agility, fast, deadly moves but rather just a brawl between both man. To me, it should be one of the highlight in this movie but the movie didn't manage to make viewers draw to such confrontation but rather just a mere coincidence. I also felt that the movie 2 leading ladies, Miranda Tate and Selina Kyle is somewhat out of place and felt hurried with both especially the chemistry between Bruce Wayne and Miranda Tate and Selina Kyle was not there. The love story thingy was horrendous and don't get me to mentioned the dialogue / speech by Bane. His voice was comical rather than intimidating and his dialogue was at times laughable rather than Joker with this intelligence and careful wordings. However, luckily the last 30~45mins of the action was the best in the 3 series. I like his Batpod was the best i have seen in action so far and the parallel action between Batman, Catwoman, and Commissioner Gordon was very intense. To wrap it up, there are many items that needs improvement if it needs to overtake the second movie but overall it was an okay finale for the Batman trilogy.  
I give this a 3.5 out of 5

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