Wednesday 22 August 2012

Prometheus - An Overhype Movie

I think i shall skipped the synopsis and go straight with the review as i have tons of movies to review but was unable to do so due to many commitments especially since my last review of The Avengers which was consider as relic in movie timeline. Lets move on to the 1st movie that i watch after The Avengers, called Prometheus. In the months before the release of this movie, the movie industry and internet was buzzing with excitement that it was ala prequel of Alien created by the same director, Ridley Scott. There was also some early review praising the spectacular of the visual effect, originality and the complexity of the movie but after sitting though roughly a 2 hour duration, i didn't find anything out of the ordinary. To cut the story short, the movie is about a group of scientists who wanted to know their early civilization or in another word, who their creator is - which they refer to as the "Engineers". Thus, they were shipped in a big spaceship towards a planet called LV-223 and once there, they found out that the "Engineers" is dead decades earlier due to some viral - a black goo that is still remain stored but already leaked out. Due to the black goo, some tiny creatures began mutated and attack the crew. The color and visual was okay to me, the movie script was just so-so and the monster - alien was tone down to the bare minimum. There wasn't really a scare moment in this film, more on a jump scare tactics that has been overused in many monster movies.  The movie has many sub-plots but somehow it wasn't that complex and many scenes were left hanging without any continuation. Also the lead actress, Noomi Rapace was rather underused in her character and was rather bland. In short, i think this movie was over-hype and was consider as a watered-down alien movie to me.
3 out of 5. Mediocre movie.      

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