Thursday, 27 June 2013

World War Z: Utterly Rubbish Zombie Movie

Movie Title:
World War Z
Strong Point:
Pace was ok, beginning was ok. Action was breathtaking especially in Jerusalem
Weak Point:
Aplenty. Incoherent plot and some does not make sense. Didn't state why Brat Pitt as UN Lead Investigator suddenly drop out from UN, why he is suddenly called up again and why he is suddenly the important person in finding the cure although not a  scientist and etc. Brat Pitt performance here is a waste and i as a viewer felt that he didn't put much performance into it. It is one of the weakest acting from him yet.
The action was chaotic especially in the beginning of the movie. The past paced and held-cam type action was a headache as we do not know who is chasing what and who is screaming. Since it is a large scale zombie attack, the cam should have been panned out and let us see the full destruction. Even if it happens, it only happens for a short period.
If we were to compare the gore in The Walking Dead with World War Z, it will be like The Walking Dead = High School level while World War Z = Pre-shool level. There is no blood at all in World War Z nor any decapitation shown on screen. At least a bit of gore must be shown to depict the violence and horror of the virus epidemic but these were not shown at all. Disappointing at all.
To see or not to see:
Better rent a video once available. No point in buying movie tickets

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