Thursday 5 January 2012

Darkest Hour (US)- An Okay Movie to Kill Time

Darkest Hour
The movie started with 2 guys, Sean (Emile Hirsch) and Ben (Max Mighella) who are traveling to Moscow, Russia to present their web project - similar to Facebook type to a major customer in hoping to get millions from it. However, they found out that their web project was plagiarize by Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), their Russian partner counterpart. So, they decided to chill-out in a bar and befriended 2 young american girls, Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) who are tourist and first-timer in Moscow. Their social event was suddenly interrupted when many glowing lights came falling from the skies. When the glowing lights descended to the land, they became invisible and this prompted a policeman to poke it with his cub stick. Almost immediately after poking it, the policeman was blown to pieces and this creates hysteria and panic among all the clubbers and other people when the invisible light began attack and blow away all the humans. Sean, Ben, Natalie, Anne and Skyler manage to evade the attack and find a safe place in a storeroom beneath the night club. After 4 days confining themselves, they decided to check the place and also to find the US embassy in order for them to go home. However, upon opening the door, they discover the whole street and city is empty and deserted. Their destination to the US embassy is also destroyed but found an emergency broadcast saying a submarine is waiting for survival before disembark. The group decided to make a run for that location but to make matter worse, the aliens in invisible form are still around to destroy any living things around including Skyler. Thus, the group decide to use light bulbs as warning sign of aliens presence because the bulbs are lighted up when alien passes by. In the city they found other residents including a weird old electrician inventor who invented a microwave gun to stun the aliens and a group of russian protectors. The group decided to help Sean and the gang to reach the submarine but during the process, Ben and Anne was killed. Finally, Sean and Natalie was rescued and finally descend to the submarine safely. Before the movie ended, it shows that information was relayed across the world on how to kill the aliens using microwave gun.
The above title says it all. It was watchable but excluding a good storyline, good action, good CGI and good dialogue. If compared to another almost similar type movie - Vanishing on the 7th Street, this is considered much better only because there are a lot of running around and exert a bit of suspense. The movie duration is only about 1.5 hours or 90 minutes and the action starts right after about 10 mins into the movie. The beginning was quite exciting when the alien start attacking the clubbers in the club but then it went downhill with less and less action and more running (running to the embassy, running to the apartment, running to the supermarket, running to the submarine). There are not much CGI to be seen apart from having the alien obliterate the humans one by one where there should be more bigger scale attack if this is suppose to be an alien invasion thingy. On the plus side, the Moscow scenery was breathtaking and beautifully shot but that alone is unable to save this movie from being just an average joe.   
I give this movie a 2 out of 5 star.

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