Sunday 29 January 2012

Underworld: Awakening - Pure Non-Stop No-Nonsense Action Packed

The storyline in this movie is simple with six months after the end of 2nd movie, when humans found out about the existences of vampires and werewolves, and goes on a mission for mass extermination. Selene (Kate Beckinsale) and her lover, Michael Corvin was captured while trying to escape from the humans and was cryogenic in a chamber in a building, Antigen helm by Dr. Jacob Lane (Stephen Rea) under Subject 1 for 12 years before someone breaks her free. When freed, she found out that Subject 1 is the one who freed her and was convince that it must be her lover, Michael who abide her escape and decided to search for him. However, she found out that Subject 1 is a teenage girl called Eve, later revealed to be Selene's daughter. She also discovered that the werewolves or lycans were desperately after Eve as was Dr.Jacob Lane. Dr.Jacob who was revealed to be also a lycan with his son, Quint with the Antigen a cover-up facilities overrun by lycans who are searching for antidote to make them immune to silver bullets and enhancement of their strength. When the lycans successfully captured Eve and brought her back to the Antigen building for operation to harvest her blood, Selene with the help of Detective Sebastian and David, a vampire decided to go gung-ho on the lycans. In the midst of saving Eve, Selene found out that Michael is also cryogenic in the lab under Subject 0 and decided to break the glass to free him before going after Lane and Quint. During the final battle, Lane was killed by Eve while Quint (becoming super lycan) was also killed by Selene. The movie ended when Selene find Michael gone, but hopes to find him again and to rebuilt the vampires clan again.
With a running time of roughly an hour and half, this movie doesn't bore even a minute due to its non-stop action right from the start. The story is also fresh with not much of battle between the vampires and lycans but moved away with human's being involved in a party of two. The performances are commendable but i felt the lycans CGI was a little bit cartoonish and reminds me of the Incredible Hulk when they were transforming. It didn't have the real wolves type transformation but since we are talking about the Underworld franchise, where werewolves and vampires traded barbs, i will overlook on this factor. Now lets talk about Kate Beckinsale in tight leather black suit. I think its every fan boys dream of seeing such pretty sight of Kate kicking lycan asses and human asses too which is worth the admission ticket.  
I give this a 3.8 star out of 5.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

The Viral Factor (HK) - Non-Stop Crazy Action Flick

The Viral Factor
The movie started off with an International Security Affairs agent Jon (Jay Chou)who is one of the agents in-charge of escorting a viral scientist and his family out from Jordan. However, their team were ambushed when one of his team member, Sean Wong (Andy On) betray them and shot Jon in the head. When Jon woke up in the hospital, the doctor told him that he has around 2 weeks left before he became totally paralyzed. As such, he decided to spent the rest of his remaining weeks with his mother (Elaine Jin). But his mother decided to tell him that he has an elder brother, Man Yeung (Nicholas Tse) whom she left behind when she fled from his gambler addict husband, Man Tin (Liu Ka Chi). With only a photo of them during small time, Jon managed to tracked both his father and brother in Malaysia and hope to bring all of them to meet with his mother before he became totally paralyze. At the same time, the scientist was kidnapped and brought to Malaysia but was killed in an accident during his escape. We learn that Sean kidnapped the scientist so that he can produce a mutated small pox virus to infect the whole world, while also produce an antidote and vaccine to make profit. With no scientist to produce the virus and vaccine, he decided to kidnapped Dr.Kan, another viral scientist by employing a few thugs including Man Yeung. During the kidnapping, Dr.Kan who incidentally ran into Jon and form a bond while inside a flight to Malaysia managed to be rescued by Jon who didn't notice Man Yeung. When Jon to meet up with his father, Man Tin, he learn of his elder brother and his daughter harsh upbringing and decided to help him. However, with Man Yeung 2nd failure attempt in capturing Dr.Kan, a corrupt police force paid by Sean Wong decided to eliminate Man Yeung and others to cover up their tracks and during the process, Man Tin is killed while Dr.Kan and Man Yeung's daughter are both kidnapped. With nowhere to go, both Jon and Man Yeung decided to form their brotherhood and rescue Dr.Kan and his daughter from Sean's clutches. Finally in order to take down Sean, Jon sacrifice his life to rescue Man Yeung and his daughter. And the final scene shows Man Yeung and his daughter reunited with his mother. 
This is one of the most tiring film to watch simply because the action is relentless and non-stop in the hot desert in Jordan up to Malaysia. There are occasional breaks for some emotional drama but 80% of the movie is non-stop action all the way. The action scenes are brutal especially the car chase, car and van crashes, and etc. that i have ever witness in HK movie. The two leads, Jay Chou and Nicholas Tse are commendable in their performance but i felt Nicholas has an extra edge in portraying a broken Man Yeung which is the reason why he won the 2011 best actor award in HK (equivalent to US Academy Award). Jay Chou performance at least improve more than his previous movies which was often criticize for his weak acting and expression-less face. Although there are some uneven editing and scenes just abruptly ended without any explanation, it was compensated with fast action filled stunts and car chase. The cinematography is not so good especially with the color looks almost nostalgia-type when it was filmed in Malaysia. Overall, director Dante Lam has really managed to carve his name as one of the best HK action-director with his previous gems such as Beast Stalker, Stool Pigeon but The Viral Factor provides lesser edge compared to his previous 2 movies.
I give this a 3.5 out of 5 for the non-stop action.

Monday 16 January 2012

Drive (US) - Great Cinematography Violence But Lacking In-Depth

The movie stated with a driver (Ryan Gosling) who was a professional getaway driver for people who wanted to rob and make a getaway from police. The driver policy is he will give anyone of them a 5 minutes window for them to rob and get into his car. Once inside his car, he is responsible for them and will help them escape from police and then split up. He never works with the same customer twice in order not to get suspicious by the police. He also works in as a stunt-double in movies and mechanic in a garage own by Shannon (Bryan Cranston). The story is simple where the driver who lives in an apartment, began to get close to his neighbour, Irene (Carey Mulligan) and her son, Benicio (Kaden Leos) as Irene's husband, Standard (Oscar Issac) is in prison. When he got out from prison, the driver began to see how much Standard cares about Irene and his son and began to step away. When he saw some thugs beating Standard in the car parking lot and threaten his family, he offers to help by becoming a gateway driver for Standard who is forced to rob a pawn shop. However, the robbery didn't go as plan when Standard was shot and killed while the driver and another accomplice, Blanche (Christina Hendricks) was chased upon by a mysterious driver from the pawn shop. Driver managed to outrun the mysterious driver and quickly piece the puzzle together to find out that a Jewish mobster, Nino (Ron Perlman) is the person behind this deal. Nino found out that some mobsters are going to start up a business in their area and reported that US$1million will be used as a start-up with the money safe keeping in a pawn shop. So, he plan to stage a dummy robbery to steal the US$1million and then rip-off Standard by killing him off and his family. While Nino is killing off all the people related to the robbery such as Shannon,driver began on a course for destruction by killing off Nino in the process and set-up a meeting with Bernie Rose (Albert Brooks), business partner of Nino to return back the US$1million in return for the safety of Irene and Benicio. However, Bernie stab driver while driver kills Bernie and abandon the US$1million beside him. Before the movie ends, the driver is shown driving around in a new place while never looking back for Irene and Benicio.   
There are some plus points and some weak points in this movie. The plus points are: (1) Cinematography- I kinda like the cinematography look of this film, i felt that the violence and action sequence is beautifully shot in this movie with some slow-motion shot, the use of the lighting to focus on the a particular sequence. (2) The opening sequence of the movie is nicely shot and we can almost felt the anxiety of the driver and his passenger escaping from police. I don't think that i have experience such feeling before. It was beautifully shot. (3) The music sequence is also nicely done to display the atmosphere and mood of LA. Weak Points are: (1) The story is quite predictable and nothing to shout about. (2) The acting are okay at times, but i guess i wanted more from Ryan Gosling's facial expression other than to always gives a smirk on his face. Overall, the movie is a decent movie with just slightly above average due to its cinematography looks.
I give this a 3 star out of 5.

Thursday 12 January 2012

What's Your Number (US) - Predictable Recycle Romantic-Comedy

What's Your Number
The movie started and centers around Ally Darling (Anna Faris) who was just ditched by her latest boyfriend, Rick Perry (Zachary Quinto) after Ally suggested he meet her parents. Things started to get worse when she was fired from her job by Roger (Joel McHale). On her way home in a subway, Ally come across a magazine with an article about "What's Your Number" where the average women in the US slept with an average of 11.5 men in their lifetime and according to the article, it says that if the number is over 20, they will never get married and spent the life as a spinster. Ally decided to recall all her ex-boyfriends that she slept with and found it to be 19, which she breathe with relief. While celebrating her sister's Daisy bachelor night in a bar, she got drunk and ended up sleeping with her ex-boss Roger. As she felt that her number must not go beyond 20, she decided to track down her ex-boyfriends in hoping that some will turn out better and be the one she will marry. To track all her boyfriend down, she seek the help of her womanizer neighbor, Colin Shea (a very buff Chris Evans) who happens to like her and wanted to sleep with her. However, Ally maintain her strict policy of not having another number 21 boyfriend and decided to spun his advances. While meeting her ex-boyfriends who turns out not the way she wanted, she began to fall for Colin but the arrival of her 1st love, Jake Adams (Dave Annable) a handsome, rich and still available complicated the matter. 
I guess you do not need me to tell you how the movie ended - since this is a typical comedy-romantic movie, it finally ended on a happy note. There are only a very very handful of good US romantic-comedy that really touches me and unfortunately this is not one of them. The movie tries too hard to be funny but most often, it was not funny and many predictable comedic sequence especially since Anna Faris is famous for her Scary Movie role. While Chris Evans is handsome, there was no real spark between his character, Colin and Ally. Overall, this is just an average romantic comedy movie that we have seen a dozen times, quite a forgettable movie for me.  
I give this a 2 star out of 5

Teen Wolf (US Drama) - Entertaining Adolescence of Werewolf

Teen Wolf
There are a total of 12 episode in this TV Series which is about Scott McCall (Tyler Posey) who is just your average 16-year old with his super genius best friend, Stiles Stilinski (Dylan O'Brien) who loves nothing but adventure and mystery. One night after intercepting a police call about a murder around their area, both Scott and Stiles decided to check it out. Unfortunately Stiles was caught by his Sheriff dad while Scott manage to escape by running towards the wood. There, he accidentally encountered a big red-eye wolf (known as the alpha werewolf later in the show) and was attacked and bitten in his abdomen. Scott manage to escape and return home. The next morning, he discover that he has the ability to hear at longer range, has faster movement and incredible strength. Also, he manage to be the rising star in the lacrosse team, much to the anger of the lacrosse captain, Jackson (Colton Haynes) and his intelligent girlfriend, Lydia (Holland Roden) while getting the affection of a new popular girl, Allison Argent (Crystal Reed). However, Allison isn't just a next door girl as his whole family are werewolf hunters who hunts and kill werewolf. Also, Jackson is determine to uncover Scott secret of increasing physical movement so that he can acquire the power for himself as well. All these began to burden and break Scott and with his uncontrolled urge to kill during the full moon make things complicated and also the mysterious Derek Hale (Taylor Hoechlin). As the Alpha werewolf closes in for Scott, he must faster regain control of the beast within to protect his family, friends and most importantly, his girlfriend.
I was surprise on how well entertained i was after i popped the first DVD of the 1st episode. It was refreshing and many suspense too. The music score was good, performance of all actors and actress was also good, the script was sometimes funny, sometimes suspense and sometimes romance. The special effect was not really that good and we do not really get to see any real transformation of man to beast, and the beast - only the alpha that looks like a werewolf are normally shown in darkness and when it came out, the effects are quite comical and cartoon like. Also, the lead teen wolf doesn't look like a werewolf at all - just some guy with some overgrown beard and vampire teeth with yellow contact lenses. I was hoping for at least scary make-up or something. I am also hoping that for the second season, they would minus a bit of the romance between Scott and Allison because some of the episode was full of mushiness that it almost feel like i was in a Twilight movie but luckily it was short panned and re-focus back on the action-supernatural thing. And the good thing about this series (also similar with Terranova) is that the season ended on a good note with some loose end tied up unlike many other series where there are cliffhangers. I hate cliffhangers because we have to wait for practically a year before continuing and normally i need to review back the previous season to remember again all the stuff. 
I give this a 3.5 star over 5. The story was smooth was no complicated story and full of adventure.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

The Beaver (US) - Good Performance but Mediocrity Story

The Beaver
The movie revolves around a middle age guy named Walter Black (Mel Gibson) who is very depressed. Although he owns a toy company inherited from his father as a CEO, but due to his depression, his company sales is dwindling while he takes a nap day and night. This also causes strain to his wife, Meredith (Jodie Foster), elder son, Porter (Anton Yelchin) and youngest son Henry (Riley Thomas Stewart) up to a point that they decided to kick him out from their house. In the hotel room, a very depressed Walter decided to take his own life but due to a clumsy mishap, he was knocked unconscious. The next morning, he found himself talking to a beaver hand puppet which incidentally is himself. So, Walter began to have an alternate personality - one as himself and one as the beaver puppet. As a puppet, he began to to find confidences in himself by turning his losing company to a rising company by introducing a new toy, and also began to improve his relationship with his family - Meredith and Henry but not Porter. But all this comes with one condition: everyone wished to communicate with him must talk though his puppet Beaver. At first, it was deemed funny and mistakenly as a therapeutic medication but soon, Meredith feels that being Walter is more real than when he is being a puppet. This cause rift and soon, Walter began to realize the effect of his split personality of the Beaver trying to take control of everything. Thus, in order to remove the Beaver from his life, he decided to amputate his hands and remove the Beaver. Porter arrive in time to save his dad by bringing him to the hospital. Walter who loses his hand, was fixed with a prosthetic hand instead and stayed in the hospital for his recovery. During this time, his company appointed a new CEO but his wife, Porter and Henry reconciles with him and Walter began to returns normal without depression and enjoys his time with his family again.     
I always like the acting of Jodie Foster because i felt that she has that intelligent look with strong character like in the movie: The Accused, Silence of the Lamb, Panic Room, Contact, Flightplan. I love all those movies and as much as i hate Mel Gibson for his personal life issues recently, he did a great job as Walter Black. The movie scene looks more funnier than an emotional drama, due to the presence of the Beaver personality. As such, it makes Walter Black looks not convincing enough to be sympathize by the viewers - in my case. It is more of a light heart drama but quite a forgettable one too. The movie storyline is not too in-depth and i guess too simple - Walter have a depression, Walter having split-personality, Walter rediscover himself, Walter became normal. There are many ways to put such a simple storyline tag and to make it more emotional and finally the triumph of Walter succeeding in beating depression but it was not shown in that sense. However mediocrity the film is was saved by the good performance of Gibson, Foster and Yelchin.     
I give this a 2.5 star out of 5

Monday 9 January 2012

Human Centipede 1 & 2 - An Brilliant Yucky Gore-Fest Trilogy in the making

Human  Centipede 1 (First Sequence)
The movie started with 2 Americans, Linsay (Ashley C. Williams) and Jenny (Ashlynn Yennie) who are in Germany for holiday. However their car broke down and they decided to seek help at a house, occupied by Dr. Heiter (Dieter Laser). But, they are drugged, bound and took to an underground basement with many surgical tools. They woke up and found that a Japanese male captive, Katsuro (Akihiro Kitamura) was also kidnapped and bounded by Dr. Heiter. The doctor then went on to explain that he wanted to make new creature called as human centipede where 3 people - implying 3 of them will be sewn together from mouth-to-anus and share a single digestive system. He has done an experiment on 3 dogs but the surgery were unsuccessful and died shortly. Dr. Heiter then proceed to perform surgery onto his victims by firstly placing Katsuro in the front, Lindsay in the middle and Jenny at the rear. He also cut off the ligaments of his victims so that they are forced to crawl and stick all his victim together from mouth-to-anus, thus creating the perfect human centipede. When detectives, Kranz and Voller came on a random visit to investigate the disappearance of the american tourists, the victims decided to escape but failed. Thus, Katsuro decided to commit suicide by slitting his own throat while Jenny succumb to blood poisoning after becoming sick.During searching for Heiter, Heiter attacked both detective Kranz and Voller but ended with all 3 men killed. Thus Lindsay is left alone and trapped between both victims.   
Before it was released, this movie generated many reviews and news for its brilliant but sick and twisted storyline. It generated many interest viewers and mine included. When i have the copy of this movie, i was excited and although it wasn't so shocking and gore - in fact there wasn't much gore at all, the story was quite nicely balanced out and we can almost felt the pain, the fear in the victim eyes when Heiter explained to them that they will be sewn together. It almost give me goosebumps thinking if i was a victim and operate against my will. It was just slightly on the borderline of being satisfied with its skirmish department but the story was satisfying enough although the acting of Dieter Laser was the weakest among all.
I give this a 3.5 star over 5 for its originality.

Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)
The movie stated with the end of the 1st movie whereby a security guard in toll booth for an apartment was reveal playing this movie on a laptop. The man was later revealed as Martin Lomax (Laurence R. Harvey) an asthmatic, fat middle-aged man with some mental issue. He lives in a small apartment with his mother (Vivien Bridson) and was always subjected to the abuse of his mom. He was engrossed in the Human Centipede film that he watched it repeatedly and had a scratch book to draw the operation sequence portray inside the film. In order to re-enact his favorite film, he started kidnapping peoples about to leave the apartment by bashing them in the head, tied them and tossing them to his pick-up truck. Next, he rented an old warehouse so that he can bring all his victims in to fulfill his experiment. Due to the obsession of the Human Centipede movie lead actress, Ashlynn Yennie (as herself), Martin tricked her for a job role and kidnapped her as well. At one point after unable to stand to his mother abuse, Martin killed his mom by bash her head repeatedly and then proceed to lure his bully neighbor to kidnap him for the experiment. Once he has 12 victims, Martin began to operate on his victim using all household tools such as hammer, stapler, kitchen knifes, screw-drivers and etc. Martin began to pull the teeth of his victims by knocking their teeth using a hammer. Then, Martin began to severe the tendons by using a knife, pulling out the nerve and cutting it. Next, he decided to cut the buttock skins of the victims but due to the intense pain, one of the victim died and this forces Martin to improvise the operation by staple the mouth of the victims to the buttocks of the victims. All the operation was done with the victims fully awaken and this add to the gore of this scene. After the successful of implementing the human centipede, Martin then decided to test his subject by force feeding the first centipede and then injected a laxative syringe to all the centipede so that all the victims are able to eat the feces of each other. Another victim, a pregnant lady who was thought to be dead after Martin unintentionally bash her head to subdue her, woke up and decided to run for her life. While trying to escape in a car, she goes into labor inside the car and then driven away to escape from Martin. Due to this, Martin became enrage and decided to execute all his victims by shooting and severe their necks until Yennie's turn. She turns the table around by punching Martin, then took a centipede and stick it inside Martin's rectum, forcing him to scream in pain. While screaming, Martin stabbed Yennie in the face, leaving her dead while he escape from the warehouse. Then, the film ended with Martin watching the DVD of the original film at work, leaving viewers to think if the incident did actually happen or not.
This movie is a total opposite of the 1st movie with a good and simple storyline amid if you enjoy the whole black-white color movie. The lead actor, Laurence R. Harvey was excellent as a harmless in-front but mentally insane man named only as Martin. He doesn't talk much for the whole movie - heck! i think he doesn't talk much at all but his facial expression is enough to show us Martin's dark obsession which is the best performance in the movie. The black-white color thingy was said to enhanced the realistic and dark nature of the film but i would prefer the film to be in color especially when the gore and blood splatter in red rather than black. I was also anticipating the gore part of the movie - to be the highlight of the Centipede movie, but it was a little disappointed with lacking of the skirmish part although i read that director, Tom Six had many scenes chop-off due to censorship issue. Alas! can't wait for DVD release that has all these part intact. Although the skirmish part might satisfy numerous viewers as it has all the blood and shit stuff that was mysteriously not found in the 1st part, but i felt that the simplicity of the storyline is the weak point unlike the 1st part. The ending was a little disappointed ala The American Psycho where we are force to think what happen. Overall, i think the 1st part is much better than the 2nd part but the 2nd part does indeed able to stand on its own.
I give this a 2.5 over 5 star

Thursday 5 January 2012

White Vengeance (HK) - Exciting Battle of Wits Periodic Movie

White Vengeance
The movie started with a group of scholars and their teacher touring the chamber of 1st emperor of China's Han Dynasty and was deliberating about the historical known incident, Banquet of Hongmen. During that time, a stranger walks in and told a story of how the Banquet of Hongmen comes about. The movie then panned to 2 opposing Generals Xiang Yu (Feng Shaofeng) and Liu Bang (Leon Lai) who met and became friends and allied to overthrow the current dynasty, the Qin Dynasty. In the beginning all was going smoothly until one fine day when Liu's loyal forces (Jordan Chan,and others) influence Liu Bang to seek his own leadership than to follow the shadow of Xiang Yu. So, it is then transpired that whomever takes control of the city of Xianyang first will become the rightful leader and take possession of the current Qin Dynasty seal. Xiang Yu who aspire to become the leader, inform Liu Bang to accompany his lover, Yuji (Liu Yifei) to his village while he fights a final battle before transcend to Xianyang. However, while accompany Yuji, Liu Bang took the opportunity to take control of Xianyang and thus, anger Xiang Yu into believing that Liu Bang betray him and plot to take over Xianyang with force. This forces Liu Bang to seek help from a local bred genius military adviser, Zhang Lian (Zhang Hanyu). However, Xiang Yu also has a very experience and genius military adviser in his step-dad, Fan Zeng (Anthony Wong) to reclaim the city. Both of them are then engage in a battle of wits in the Banquet of Hongmen where both played 5 sets of chinese chess called Weiqi simultaneously. Miraculously Zhang Lian survived the onslaught and tries to deceit Zhang Lian by agreeing to become his personal military adviser and plot the defeat of Zhang Lian. When Zhang Lian is killed in the battle with Liu Bang, Liu Bang became the emperor of Han Dynasty. However when Liu Bang ascend to become emperor, he order the execution of his trusted lieutenants including military adviser, Zhang Lian because he is paranoid of being back stabbed and killed. In the end, it was revealed that the stranger that told the story is Zhang Lian.
When i first watch it, i thought that it was going to be another hack-slash chinese emperor-era movie. But as the movie developed, i was engaged and totally absorbed with the intelligent dialogue and fast paced of the movie. There was not a moment of dull except when it involves Yuji but luckily that was kept to the minimal and the movie focus was on Anthony Wong and Zhang Hanyu playing battle of wits which kept the whole movie entertained. In fact, i think that Anthony Wong's performance as the blind but genius Fan Zeng was nothing short of brilliance and whenever he is on-screen, the movie lights up. With strong performance from other cast members - Leon Lai, Feng Shaofeng and Jordan Chan, i placed the movie's entertainment factor similar to Red Cliff or even a notch better. The battle scene for the movie was a disappointment but the heavy plot and brilliant chess game was enough to cover any weakness of the movie.
I give this movie a 4 out of 5 star. A terrific good movie.

Darkest Hour (US)- An Okay Movie to Kill Time

Darkest Hour
The movie started with 2 guys, Sean (Emile Hirsch) and Ben (Max Mighella) who are traveling to Moscow, Russia to present their web project - similar to Facebook type to a major customer in hoping to get millions from it. However, they found out that their web project was plagiarize by Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), their Russian partner counterpart. So, they decided to chill-out in a bar and befriended 2 young american girls, Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) who are tourist and first-timer in Moscow. Their social event was suddenly interrupted when many glowing lights came falling from the skies. When the glowing lights descended to the land, they became invisible and this prompted a policeman to poke it with his cub stick. Almost immediately after poking it, the policeman was blown to pieces and this creates hysteria and panic among all the clubbers and other people when the invisible light began attack and blow away all the humans. Sean, Ben, Natalie, Anne and Skyler manage to evade the attack and find a safe place in a storeroom beneath the night club. After 4 days confining themselves, they decided to check the place and also to find the US embassy in order for them to go home. However, upon opening the door, they discover the whole street and city is empty and deserted. Their destination to the US embassy is also destroyed but found an emergency broadcast saying a submarine is waiting for survival before disembark. The group decided to make a run for that location but to make matter worse, the aliens in invisible form are still around to destroy any living things around including Skyler. Thus, the group decide to use light bulbs as warning sign of aliens presence because the bulbs are lighted up when alien passes by. In the city they found other residents including a weird old electrician inventor who invented a microwave gun to stun the aliens and a group of russian protectors. The group decided to help Sean and the gang to reach the submarine but during the process, Ben and Anne was killed. Finally, Sean and Natalie was rescued and finally descend to the submarine safely. Before the movie ended, it shows that information was relayed across the world on how to kill the aliens using microwave gun.
The above title says it all. It was watchable but excluding a good storyline, good action, good CGI and good dialogue. If compared to another almost similar type movie - Vanishing on the 7th Street, this is considered much better only because there are a lot of running around and exert a bit of suspense. The movie duration is only about 1.5 hours or 90 minutes and the action starts right after about 10 mins into the movie. The beginning was quite exciting when the alien start attacking the clubbers in the club but then it went downhill with less and less action and more running (running to the embassy, running to the apartment, running to the supermarket, running to the submarine). There are not much CGI to be seen apart from having the alien obliterate the humans one by one where there should be more bigger scale attack if this is suppose to be an alien invasion thingy. On the plus side, the Moscow scenery was breathtaking and beautifully shot but that alone is unable to save this movie from being just an average joe.   
I give this movie a 2 out of 5 star.