Monday 24 October 2011

Trespass (US) - Should give a pass on this movie

The movie started with Kyle Miller (Nicholas Cage) who is a diamond dealer businessman who just move in to a new house in a suburban high class residential area with his wife, Sarah Miller (Nicole Kidman) and daughter, Avery Miller (Liana Liberato). During one night, Avery sneaks out from her house to join her friend for a house party and during that same night, 4 intruders / robbers breaks-in and hold Kyle and Sarah hostage. The robbers headed by Elias (Ben Mendelsohn), Jonah (Cam Gigandet) Elias' brother who has strong interested in Sarah after doing surveillance, Ty (Dash Mihok), a loose cannon and Petal (Jordana Spiro), lover to Elias and a drug addict. Their motive is searching for diamonds that they thought Kyle was keeping inside their safe but when Kyle told them that there are no diamonds, the robbers didn't believe it until they found nothing inside the safe. In the mean time, Avery decided to sneak back home after finding the party is full of rich kids who is interested in party, drugs, sex. However, she was caught by the robbers immediately after reaching back. The robbers then decided to search for cash since diamond is now not an option but still unable to locate the cash. Kyle told them that they are already broke and all the money are used for mortgage for the house and this upsets Ty who decided to finish them off. However, Avery averted Ty action by informing that there are cash - (S$100,000) at a rich-kid house where she sneaks out to party and she is able to get it for them. Petal was asked to escort Avery and but Avery manage escape by crashing her car into a tree and subsequently kill Petal in the process. While at the house, Ty and Jonah keeps on arguing and during on one occasion, Ty was killed by Elias while getting into a fight with Jonah and subsequently, Elias was killed by the now deranged Jonah who wanted Sarah for himself. However, in the end Jonah himself was burnt to death after Kyle set fire to him upon discovering plenty of cash stacked in the basement of their house.  
Firstly, i cannot help but compare this movie with another Spanish-made "Kidnapped" by Miguel Angel Vivas. That is one excellent and well crafted kidnapped movie with the same premise as this movie, Trespass. I decided to watch it because it has 2 of the best actors - Nicholas Cage and Nicole Kidman but boy was i wrong. The movie directed by Joel Schumacher who is famous for excellent thriller movie such as Phone Booth, Blood Creek failed to create any sense of suspense in this movie. In fact, 80% of the movie is the squabbling between the robbers and the hostages to the point of annoying. Imagine this , Cut Scene 1: Firstly the robber wanted to rob diamonds, so they make threat of killing the hostages and failed in their threat, argue with the hostages, argue with themselves, find no diamond. Cut Scene 2: The robber wanted to rob cash instead, so they make threat of killing the hostages and failed in their threat, argue with the hostages, argue with themselves, find no cash. Cut Scene 3: The robber wanted to rob other people cash instead, so they make threat of killing the hostages and failed in their threat, argue with the hostages, argue with themselves, fight with each other, fight with hostages, killed. End of movie. So, there you have it, there is no real plot, no real suspense and no real threat. In fact, if i were the hostages, i will gladly be waiting until the robbers started killing each other without me lifting a finger. Unlike the Spanish-made, Kidnapped by Miguel Angel Vivas,you can feel the forced home invasion and the intelligence and violent of the robbers. Will review that movie in awhile but for now, this movie should be given a pass.
A poor 1 star over 5.

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