The movie started off with 2 teenagers, Masaru Kato (Kenichi Matsuyama of Death Note) and Kei Kurono (Kazunari Niyomiya) who were once best friend involving in a rescue of a man who had fallen off the train tracks. However, after saving the man both are killed and transported to a room with a huge black orb called as Gantz. Inside the black orb is a bald man in comatose form with an oxygen mask together with other people whom has also been killed in accidents. The black orb lays out the rules and regulation where currently everyone is assign a back exo-skeleton suits and weapons from the side of the black orb compartment. Everyone needs to suit up and weapon ready in 3 minutes time (i think) and then will be transported to earth with a mission to kill aliens. The alien biography with their strength & looks will be shown to the people before they are transported to earth. During the first outing, many of the people do not know that there is weapons and suit to be wore which provide them the advantage during their battle with the aliens, so some were killed. Those who are killed will be deleted off permanently from the game & their photo placed in the obituary like screen in the black orb. The people who defeated the alien will be designated some marks and upon reaching 100 marks, they will be given 2 option: (1) To resurrect their own self and memory wipe off from this event or (2) To resurrect other people who are killed. After they select the option, the marks will be reset back to zero.After defeating alien, all the people are allowed to regain back their normal life momentary until Gantz decided to called them back when there is an alien that they need to battle. During one alien battle, Masaru Kato was killed and Kei Kurono who found a way to use the suit to full advantage & a new found confident swear to reach the 100 marks to resurrect Kato back to life.
Gantz 2: Perfect Answer
The first movie left off with Kurano wanted to achieve 100 marks to resurrect Kato back to life. The start off 5 months after the first movie, with a model, Eriko Ayukawa (Ayumi Ito) who goes about in a hypnotic trance to help Gantz through a small black orb who provides information on who should be killed and went about killing selected individuals so that they are transported back to the Gantz world to battle alien. Also shown is a Kei Kurono relationship with Tae (Yuriko Yoshitaka) who is currently taking care of Kato's younger brother Ayumu (Kensuke Chisaka). During a battle in the subway with 5 shape shifting aliens whose power exceed beyond other alien encounters, Kurono team managed to defeat them but those killed by Eriko discovered that they were once in Gantz world who exceed 100 marks and choose option 1. When Eriko is killed by a shape shifter alien of Kato and appear in the Gantz world, Kurono decided to resurrect Kato so that both can defeat the shape shifter alien who wanted to gain entree into Gantz world. However, Gantz commands that the team kill Tae instead so that the shape shifter is unable to gain entree to the Gantz world but was objected by Kurono. So, Kurono rescue Tae and together with Kato have to fight against the Gantz team as well as the shape shifter who is also after Tae.
I saw the 1st part of the movie months ago but only managed to get a copy of the 2nd part last week and viewed it last night. In a nutshell, i would say that the 1st part and 2nd part are 2 totally different movie type, almost like Kill Bill Vol.1 and Vol.2. Although both are still connected to each other but the theme are set differently and the outcome is nonetheless good . Lets move on to the first part of the movie, I wasn't having any expectation of this movie other than thinking that it should be a low budget Japanese movie with costume and aliens aka Ultra-man type movie that i saw countless times. However, i was glued to the TV about 15 minutes into the movie and once the people are in the Gantz world, its action all the way with countless of alien boss battle - towering alien murderer, metal robotic alien, 4 face goddess with swords and huge buddha like status. It was almost like I'm watching a video game movie with all the over the top battles but it sure is entertaining. When i watch the 2nd part of the movie, all the alien boss battle are totally wipe off the screen and instead the pace moves slower and introduce more characters and only one single alien - the shape shifter with an army of shape shifters. There are only 2 battles in the movie, one is the subway battle and the second is the finale battle. To me, the subway battle is the best among both series because of its excellent sword play and machine gun with pure brutality and a good soundtrack to boost the action sequences. I have never saw such a good sword play in any other Japanese movie, so i give this a good thumbs up for this battle. However, for the 2nd battle, i say it pales in comparison and its a bit dull especially with Kato moving around. Overall, this movie will not be remembered in years to come but for a rush of adrenaline and moment of pure action entertainment, this movie excel well.
I give this a 3.5 star over 5, an above average pop-corn flick action movie.
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