Thursday 22 September 2011

Iron Doors (US) - Running on 100m but Losing Gas before Finishing Line

Iron Doors (US)
Its a simple story of a man woke up after having some heavy drinking (although not shown) inside a locked steel door room. The steel door looks like a bank vault and there are nothing inside the room but a steel locked cupboard. The man begin to think that its a joke done by his friends and treat of it as a joke until he realized that he has been trapped and played a sinister game by someone or something on the other side of the door. He tries to escape but unable to, so he manage to pry open the cupboard and inside it contain a hammer, chisel, a blowtorch, 2 canister of gas for the blowtorch, goggle for protection. There are no food and no water, only one dead rat, maggots and flies. So, he began his quest for freedom using the tools but the tools have its specific purposes - the blowtorch is unable to be used to melt the iron doors. After giving up on burning through the door, he manage to chip bits by bits of the wall using the hammer and a small chisel. However, the walls are separated by an iron fence - thus the use of the blowtorch. With hunger & thirst beginning to wear down the guy, he began to feast on the maggots on the rats and also drink his own urine to survive. Finally, he is able to break the wall and reach to the other side of the room. However, the other room is also similar with a locked vault. But, instead of the cupboard, he found a coffin and a standing lamp. Inside the coffin is an girl of an african origin who is unable to speak english. So, both are trying to figure a way out but communication makes it difficult for them. Again, they used the same method of hacking down the walls but found that the iron doors automatically open when the didn't look at it. So, after using this solution, they manage to open the doors but found another door again. Without food, without water and almost on verge of dying, they give up trying and at that instance, the door manage to open. And both walk out to a very beautiful jungle, almost like a nirvana.

That this is an independent movie that i picked off from the DVD shelf not too long ago. It has a few logos mark on the front cover where it indicates of this film getting some awards or being selected for some film festival. It looks promising with just a simple title / storyline. So, i was thinking why the heck not. This movie is engaging in the beginning, almost look like a Saw movie with gadgets for you to find our way out, and the grossness of eating maggots and drinking your own urine. But after awhile, you found out that this looks like a one man movie. The actor Axel Wdekind is quite good considering that he is the only one acting for much of the movie until another actress Rungano Nyoni joins him. Half of the movie, we see Axel whining and complaining while hacking his way out. It can be quite annoying after awhile and feels the need to fast forward your video while he keeps on whining. But i would say that it was quite an engaging movie for much of the 2/3 of the movie, anticipating who is the person locking them up, whether he is able to escape their games, and etc. However the last 1/3 of the movie and the finale will totally make people curse because the director just lets the audience think of the end. The end of the movie shows that both walks out to the jungle and then the end credits begin to roll. I for one jumped out of the sofa and shout WTF. So, the viewer can think that the couple manage to escape to a place in the jungle while i for once do not think so. I think the couple finally had their last breathe and the things they saw is the other world. Anyhow, the director should just let us out of the misery and tell us how it ends especially after all we have to endure of the whining.
I give this movie just an average 2.5 out of 5 star and mainly due to its engaging story and a one-man show. But the ending left much to be desired. Its like running a 100m race but before the finishing line, we lost all momentum.

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