Falling Skies (US TV Series)
This drama is about the aftermath of an alien attack towards earth with military, soldiers lost, vanished and electrical appliances all incapacitated. After 6 months of invasion, survivors stage militia attack on the aliens which consists of various type: Skeeter and Machina while also trying to survive with little food. Inside the story is a sub-story of main lead character, Tom Mason (played by Noah Wyle) , a history professor together with their 2 sons: Hal and Matt trying to cope with their new life while also trying to save his other son: Ben, currently captured by the aliens and placed under their control via creature-device mounted behind their spine and brain.
The reason i bought this series was the fact that it has an interesting title: Falling Skies, interesting plot: Alien Invasion on our World, interesting characters: Noah Wyle from ER, Will Patton, also the fact that they stressed on its being Steven Spielberg production. What else could go wrong. Everything i suppose. Firstly, we were never shown how the alien invaded our world, just some kid narrating with his drawing. Then, we are drop in the middle of the fight (it gives me almost the same deja vu as Terminator Salvation). But i do not mind the fire-power, action ala combat drama if its interesting as Saving Private Ryan. But this was no Saving this series. To me, the whole production looks cheesy and doesn't have the expensive looking drama look like the awesome Spartacus: Blood & Sands. It was also less engaging like the superb 24, Prison Break or even Nikita. The action was ok but i think the sound department, the picture quality needs to be improve. Also there are no engaging story in this drama and in fact, i felt that the first episode and the second episode begins almost the same. We are drop in the middle of the war -- same modus operandi, same action, same all things. In fact, i couldn't be bothered half-way though the series although i'm trying my best not to. In short, i can't wait to just finish off the series and get it over with. At least it is not as horrible as the new "V" series. That said, another alien invasion series going to the garbage dump for me.
I give it a 1 star out of 5 star. This is not no Independence Day IE4.
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