Monday, 19 September 2011

Basement (UK) - A place where this movie should be heading

Basement (UK)
Its about a movie where 5 friends (Gary, Sarah, Saffron, Pru and Derek) on the way home from an anti-war demonstration. They stop in the woods for toilet break and a little naughty action but stumble upon a metal hatch connected to the sewer and decided to explore it. However, once inside the sewer, the were trapped when the metal hatch suddenly closed upon them and one by one, the 5 friends are systematically killed by unknown person / persons.
After a hopeless night of viewing the dreadful Apocalypse of the Dead & Pulse 3 back-to-back, i was hoping that my luck would at least chance for the better by viewing this DVD i bought called "Basement". Few friends alone remotely in the forest, chance upon a basement and being killed one-by-one. How bad can this movie be ... it has all the right formula, girls, guys, alone, killers, eerie basement or sewer. No matter how bad the movie is, with the right formula it should be a watchable movie,right? Unlucky me for the third time. This movie is so bad that it really is laughable. Location: The sewer is so bright that it doesn't have any sense of eerie.  Acting: There is no plot, so storyline and dialog is boring and repetitive. Action: Laughable killer (s) and what's with the ninja suite. It seems that either the budget is very low or the director do not have any premise to make it more interesting other than to run in one location, talk and then get attack and then run again, and the whole cycle just repeat again and again with no sense of reasoning. I would not recommend even if its thrown in a discount bin. Totally waste of time, money and energy.
No surprise here. A 1 star out of 5.

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